Sep 26Liked by Katherine Baldwin

Thank you, your story sounds like my story except at the age of 50 I’m still childless and without a partner. But your origin story is so similar to my own. Thank you for putting words to this experience.

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Thank you so much for sharing Jennifer. I find it very healing to hear my story shared by others. My childhood also impacted my ability to form and keep healthy relationships and my desire to do so. That area of my life required a lot of healing work too. ❤️

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Sep 26Liked by Katherine Baldwin

Your post resonates with me. I was not nurtured and my parents' marriage, well... Let's just say I asked my Mom if she loved my Dad. She quickly said yes, not upset about my question. I suspect we have different definitions of love. I was pressured to choose one parent over the other - a position no child should ever be put in. My paternal grandmother was not even allowed to visit. I never heard anything nice about my paternal grandfather, who died when I was 2, until I was 40 and a neighbor talked about my grandpa giving her ice cream. I respect my grandpa; he fought in WW I and was gassed. His lung capacity was so poor he was given full disability.

I am still processing my lost childhood and the consequences. I hope as we share our stories others will see themselves and perhaps be able to heal the wounds in time to have a family. Families are the cornerstone of society.

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Thank you for sharing your story Amy. I hear the challenges of your childhood, the losses, the emotional neglect. I send you strength to continue your healing journey. ❤️

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